The starting point for all US Soccer coaching education is the Learning Center (“LC”). The LC contains an on-line educational platform in which a coach creates a personal profile, registers for courses, communicates with technical staff, takes on-line courses, creates session plans, has access to an archive of U.S. Soccer training sessions and much more.

Link to US Soccer Coaching Education Courses and Schedule In Louisiana
Link to US Soccer Learning Center
US Soccer Grassroots Pathway
The Grassroots courses focus on U.S. Soccer’s Coaching Education Play-Practice-Play Methodology, the Six Tasks of a Coach, and the characteristics of players in that specific game model (4v4, 7v7, 9v9, 11v11).The Modules are each designed specifically for a specific age group-related youth soccer format. The formats are
4 v. 4 7 v. 7 9 v. 9 11 v. 11
Candidates may take an On-line (OL) course or an In-Person (IP) course for each Module. The OL and IP courses will be treated as two separate licenses. For Example, the 4 v. 4 on-line course will be treated as a separate License as the 4 v. 4 in-person course.
Each IP course contains 2 hours in the classroom and 2 hours on the field. The highlight of the IP course is that it offers coaches the ability to have hands-on experience learning with an instructor and players in a realistic environment and promote best practices in coaching education. It also allows feedback from an instructor and other coaches on the course on issues a coach may be facing with his or her team.
The Grassroots Courses
Duration: Each in-person course shall run approximately 4 hours – 2 hours in the classroom and 2 hours on the field. In the event courses are “stacked” together, the duration may diminish a bit as some of the material is repetitive.
Cost: The Cost of each US Soccer Grassroots Course is $85.00 which includes the $25.00 fee to US Soccer.
Course requirement: In order to run an in-person course, there must be at least 12 candidates.team.
Coaching License Requirements
Anyone registering as a head coach or as an assistant coach with a team in the LCSL must have at least a US Soccer E-License, or a United Soccer Coaches or foreign equivalent, as determined by the LSA Technical Director. This requirement shall be satisfied by successfully completing at least 1 on-line US Soccer Grassroots Module and 2 in-person US Soccer Grassroots Modules. One of the in-person Grassroots Modules must be the 11 v. 11 Module. A coach who possesses an F-License will be considered to have completed one on-line Module.
US Soccer D License
Course Details: The National D License is a hybrid on-line and in-person course, that begins in March 2021 with an on-line experience and has either one or two in-person meetings. Coaches who register for this course can expect weekly learning opportunities that will feature a mixture of independent learning using on-line modules and live virtual meetings led by a licensed U.S. Soccer Instructor. Coaches will be asked to participate in discussions so each person should have access to the internet and a web-camera/live video capabilities. The virtual meetings will take place on agreed upon days and times (see below). Coaches may be asked to participate in the field component as either coaches or players, so please come prepared to actively learn. Candidates that register for this course are expected to attend all course meetings to be eligible to receive the license. For more on the D-License course click the US Soccer shield to the right.
Eligibility Requirements: In order to be considered for the U.S. Soccer D course, all candidates must meet the following prerequisites:
- At least 16 years of age
- Currently coaching or have access to a team
- 2 Grassroots In-Person Courses (one which is 11v11) + 1 On-line course
- U.S. Soccer E License
Course Structure: The D-License Course is run over the course of 10-12 weeks. There is a Pre-course Meeting (opening seminar). Again attendance at all seminars and meetings is mandatory.
Virtual Period: The Virtual Period is the time in between the pre-course meeting, the on-field component(s) and after the final field component. The Virtual Period will consist of weekly learning opportunities that will feature a mixture of independent learning using on-line modules, live virtual meetings led by a licensed U.S. Soccer Instructor and small group meetings that are organized by the coaches. Coaches will be asked to participate in discussions so each person should have access to the internet and a web-camera/live video capabilities. The virtual meetings will take place agreed upon days and times that will be finalized during the pre-course meeting (each instructor group will establish their own meeting times).